
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Hagar the Man

 (Originally written on 4th May, 2018)

They laid me to rest on a boat. Clothed me in their finest robes and crowned me with their densest horns. They cried a river, as I drifted into the sea. He took aim, his heart heavy with love and pain. The farewell lit up, hull, sail and all. And I lay still. As still as the water below. Biding my time, I was, for the final jump.

It's never easy to walk away from your demons. But I chose to live, in the land of men. 

I'm back!

Chanced upon my own blog, while commenting on another. It was not an accident, perhaps. Maybe, I was meant to be reminded of an old friend that I had drifted away from, for, I had found another (read: Instagram). As I can now see, it has been 6 years since I last posted here. Looking back, and reading my younger self has tickled me no end. I was 26 then, I am 37 now! I feel the need to revive it, reconnect...and probably read back at 50! 

For now, I will start by re-posting my favourite pieces from my Instagram page.